Funny Responses for Whos This Text

100 Funny and Clever Replies to Compliments

Cheeky Kid is a cybernaut who spends a lot of time browsing the web, grasping infinite information, and reveling in entertainment and fun.

Forget "thank you"—get clever with these 100+ cheeky replies to compliments.

Forget "thank you"—get clever with these 100+ cheeky replies to compliments.

Has anyone ever told you that . . .

  • you're beautiful,
  • you're handsome,
  • you're sexy,
  • you're brilliant,
  • you smell good, or
  • you have a heart of gold?

These are just a few of the many compliments people give one another on a daily basis. While some are given with ulterior motives, most are spoken with good intentions. Nevertheless, unexpected complements can put you on the spot and leave you wondering what to say next.

The list below exists to give you some ideas on how to incorporate some fun and wit into your replies to compliments. A simple "thank you" used to be acceptable, but these days, "simple" doesn't always cut it. If you're looking to crank up your clever meter, you're in luck—this list is here to help you out!

Warning: Sarcasm Ahead—Use These Replies at Your Own Risk

You can feel free to use any of the replies found here, but please—do so with caution. Some of these may come off as rude or offensive depending on how you say them, who you say them to, or what the context is. Always be gracious and kind whenever you can, and know that you're better than any compliment in the world.

Thanks; I woke up like this.

Thanks; I woke up like this.

How to Respond to a Compliment

No matter what you end up saying in response to someone giving you a compliment, there are a few steps you should typically follow so that you don't make the situation weird or awkward.

  1. Be direct: Try to avoid any vocal fillers like uh or um; just say what you want to say clearly and directly.
  2. Make eye contact: Look directly at the person giving you the compliment and make eye contact when you speak to them. (Obviously, this doesn't apply if you are talking to someone on social media or elsewhere online).
  3. Be confident: Speak in a confident manner when responding to a compliment and make it seem as if you get compliments all of the time. Being confident is good for your own self-worth, and acting surprised or awkward could make the other person feel uncomfortable.
I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you . . . could you please say that again?

I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you . . . could you please say that again?

Clever Responses to Compliments

  • Thanks, fan!
  • Don't worry—you'll get there . . . eventually.
  • Ok, how much do you need? (Woah, did you just assume that they're complimenting you because they need some money? Maybe.)
  • You know what? I like you.
  • Thank you! Please vote for me in the upcoming election.
  • Much obliged! (This is just another term for "thanks," but it has a classier sound to it.)
  • Thanks; I woke up like this.
  • Enjoy the meal! (Don't push it too hard—they might actually gobble you up.)
  • I love you!
  • Oh, such discerning eyes!
  • This is actually the result of me not taking a bath for weeks. (Hopefully, this isn't true.)
Thanks, but I prefer to be noticed for my intellectual capacity.

Thanks, but I prefer to be noticed for my intellectual capacity.

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Humorous and Flirty Replies to Compliments

  • Shucks—my hair!
  • You must be looking at a mirror.
  • Is that the best you've got?
  • I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you . . . could you please say that again?
  • Look who's talking.
  • Just today? What about yesterday? (This is for people who say: "Hey, you look good today!" or something along those lines.)
  • Your *insert romantic partner or family member here* thought so too.
  • Yeah, the genie finally granted my wish.
  • So I have been told.
  • Well, that makes two of us! (This is one of the best replies to use to make yourself look humble . . . or to spark things up with your crush!)
  • Thanks, would you like to borrow it for a second? (This is a good response if someone says your outfit or hair looks great.)
  • Thanks, I sacrificed many lives for it.
  • Thanks, but it's not for sale!
  • I know. (Oozing with confidence, are you? Also, this answer always reminds me of Han Solo's response to Princess Leia's "I love you" line in Star Wars.)

How to Respond to a Compliment From a Guy

  • Thanks, but I prefer to be noticed for my intellectual capacity.
  • Sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else.
  • Give me a pen and I'll give you my autograph.
  • Yeah—it's my only redeeming quality.
  • Yup, hashtag NO FILTER!
  • To tell you the truth, in my past life, I was an ugly insect.
  • Oh sorry, what? I was too busy thinking about how gorgeous I am. (Damn right, you narcissist!)
  • I know, right?
  • Not this again . . . take a number and wait in line. (This is pretty useful when you're starting to get annoyed by the many people who are trying to flirt with you by unnecessarily complimenting you.)
  • It's tough being such a sex symbol.
  • Mwahahahaha . . . the human sacrifices I offered have finally worked!
  • Finally, I found someone who agrees with my mom and dad.
  • Nah, I'm just rich. (Everything can be bought with money nowadays. Yup, even looks!)
  • Will you marry me?
  • This is the result of soaking in the blood of countless virgins.
  • *Just wave and smile.* (You must be feeling like a real celebrity, huh?)
  • Woah, that escalated quickly!
  • It's extremely rare for me to hear that.
  • Flattery won't get you anywhere, fella. Scram!
  • What do you need? (Yup, sometimes people use compliments just to get what they want from you.)
  • Not since the accident . . .
  • What? Is the end of the world coming?
  • Excuse me?! (Depending on how you say this reply, you might sound defensive and intimidating. It works well when you're calling BS on whoever is trying to get your attention.)
  • Awww . . . now I want to throw a rainbow at you.
  • Oh, stop it, you.
It's all natural and organic.

It's all natural and organic.

Funny Replies to Compliments

  • Shut up baby . . . I know it.
  • You have such a good eye for quality.
  • It's all-natural and organic. (Hahaha, are you some kind of fresh vegetable or something?)
  • Peace be with you!
  • If I had a dollar for every compliment I've received so far, I'd be a billionaire.
  • I can see that honesty is still the best policy.
  • It's my duty to spread beauty in the world. (Who are you? Adonis? Aphrodite?)
  • Compliment accepted.
  • Are you hitting on me? (Take it easy, tiger. It is important to remember that not everyone who is complimenting you is trying to have a romantic relationship with you.)
  • It must be the meds kicking in.
  • Thanks, wanna get a room? (Straight to the point!)
  • I love your honesty and sincerity.
Stop it before I fall in love with you.

Stop it before I fall in love with you.

How to Respond to a Compliment From Your Crush

  • Stop it before I fall in love with you.
  • Don't tell anyone, but I used to be an ugly duckling.
  • Hands off the merchandise!
  • Lovely to look at and delightful to hold, but if you break it, consider it sold!
  • Yeah, I'm getting tired of being mistaken for *insert name of good-looking celebrity here*.
  • I'm glad I made your day brighter.
  • Well, hanging around the right people really changes you.
  • Yeah . . . I wanted to ask you out, but my friend said I'm now out of your league.
  • It must be the tapeworm. (This is a perfect response for compliments that are targeting your sexy figure or loss of weight.)
  • I get that a lot!
  • I know. Wish I could say the same about you. (Woot, Buuurn!)
  • Why? (Ah, this always catches people off-guard. Now they have to tell you the actual reason why they're complimenting you, if there is one.)
  • Hashtag BLESSED!
I'm warning you, I'm too hot to handle.

I'm warning you, I'm too hot to handle.

Cheeky and Witty Replies to Compliments

  • I'm warning you, I'm too hot to handle.
  • You mean great in bed? Thanks!
  • You're welcome. (The usual "thank you" reply is overrated so use this instead.)
  • I'm just lucky I guess!
  • I agree 100%!
  • Careful—you might get burned.
  • Well, 11 out of 10 people agree! (Ummm your math is kind of off, but well . . . that's the point!)
  • No point in stating the obvious.
  • I'm sorry, but you can't afford it.
  • Coming from you, that means a lot!
  • Why are you drooling? Here's a handkerchief.
  • No takebacks, okay?
  • Oh, the wonder of makeup! (Makeup is indeed wonderful. It can transform just about anyone!)
  • I wish you could experience it as well.
  • I would like to return the compliment, but I swore to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
  • As they say, you are what you eat! (Just what exactly do you eat? Beautiful humans? Unicorns and rainbows?)
  • You have no idea what I traded the devil for it.
  • I'd tell you how, but you would have to pay me.
  • I couldn't agree more!
  • Oh, really? I think I'm just ahead of you by one bath.
  • After hearing what you just said, I realized that honest people do still exist!
  • You're not the first one to tell me that today.
  • I'm being watched. Act normal.
  • Are you a spy? Who sent you? (Feeling a little paranoid, huh?)
  • Who told you to tell me that?

How to Respond to Compliments on Instagram or Facebook

Whether it is a compliment on a photo of you on Instagram or a status you posted on Facebook, online compliments tend to be shorter than those given real life. For this reason, your response can also be quick and short, though you can include an emoji or two if you want. Try the following:

  • Say thanks: Replying with a simple "thank you!" is good enough for most online interactions, especially if you are getting lots of praise for a particular post.
  • Use an emoji: Using an emoji is a great way to spice up a reply to a compliment. You can use an emoji if you decide to say something clever so people know that you're being witty.
  • Keep it short: There is no need to write out some long response to a compliment, though you can personalize the compliment if you want. People have short attention spans these days, so keeping the content of your reply short is a good idea.

© 2018 Cheeky Kid

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