Herzberg F (2003) 81 1 87-96 Harvard Business Review

Summary by Justin Gerber
Master of Accountancy Program
University of Southward Florida, Summer 2003

The purpose of this article is to bridge the gap between cognition and speculation about what motivates employees. Herzberg discusses various myths nearly motivation, and explains his now famous motivation-hygiene theory.

Motivating with KIT

Many difficulties exist with moving employees to action. The quickest style to go an employee to do something is to ask, but if the person declines, the next solution is to requite them a boot in the pants (KITA). However, at that place are problems with KITA and motivation. The employee, of grade, does move when the KITA is applied, whether it is concrete or psychological, merely KITA does not lead to motivation, information technology only leads to movement. If an employee needs no outside stimulation, then he or she wants to practice information technology.

Myths nearly Motivation

Next Herzberg confronts KITA practices that were developed to instill motivation.

1. Reducing fourth dimension spent at work - The idea here is to motivate people to work by getting them off the job. The truth is that motivated people seek more than hours, non less.

two. Spiraling Wages - Spiraling wages motivates people to seek the next wage increment. If rising wages won't motivate, reducing them might.

iii. Fringe Benefits - These benefits take gone from rewards to rights. The toll of fringe benefits is approximately 25% of the wage dollar. People are spending less fourth dimension working expecting more security and money. Fringe benefits do not motivate.

four. Human Relations Training - More than 30 years of instruction and training and the question is nevertheless the same: How do you motivate employees?

5. Sensitivity Training - Because of the failure of Human being Relations Grooming, sensitivity training was adult. Many employees were forced to get to know themselves better and no motivation was garnered.

six. Communications - This was the next management training program to instill motivation. The thought was to let employees understand what direction was trying to do for them. But advice didn't lead to motivation, information technology merely pb to management realizing that it was not listening to employees.

7. Ii Way Communication - Management now began welcoming suggestions and surveys. The two-way communication brought some improvement, but still had no motivating effect.

8. Task Participation - Job participation was designed to give employees the sense of achievement, or to show the employee the big picture. This, of course, doesn't atomic number 82 to motivation.

nine. Employee Counseling - Employees could talk to someone about their problems and possibly that would motivate them. But the counseling likewise failed to yield the desired results. In fact, counseling services were often interfering with the operation of the organisation itself.

Hygiene vs. Motivators

Herzberg developed a motivation-hygiene theory based on a study of engineers and accountants. The findings of the initial report suggest that factors involved in producing job satisfaction (and motivation) are different from the factors that lead to task dissatisfaction (hygiene). These findings have been replicated by sixteen other investigations.

The problem with semantics is resolved when understanding human being behavior. Two differing needs are involved. One set of needs comes from the brute-like nature – built in drive to avoid pain and all other biological needs that bulldoze humans. For case, hunger, makes it necessary to make coin, and thus coin is a specific drive. The other need is the ability to attain and to experience growth. The tasks that satisfy the growth demand are found in the task content, just likewise factors that induce pain-avoidance behavior are institute on the task. Growth or motivator factors are achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement and growth. The dissatisfaction avoidance or hygiene factors are company policy and administration, supervision, relationship with supervisor, working atmospheric condition, salary, relationship with peers, personal life, relationship with subordinates, status, and security. Encounter below for a graphic view of the results of twelve of Herzberg'due south investigations.

Herzberg's Factors Affecting Job Attributes

The motivation-hygiene theory proposes that work must be enriched to successfully apply, or motivate, personnel. Job enrichment provides the opportunity for growth. Job enrichment must be vertical job loading and not horizontal task loading. Horizontal loading consists of challenging the employee to increase product amounts or adding some other meaningless task to the existing one. Vertical task loading could be removing controls while keeping accountability and introducing new and more challenging tasks not previously handled. Job enrichment needs to be a continuous management function according to Herzberg.


Herzberg disputes the ideas shared by managers that coin and benefits motivate employees. Instead, Herzberg believes continuous job enrichment will motivate employees. He provides ten steps at the end of the article that managers should follow to implement his motivation-hygiene theory.


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Source: https://maaw.info/ArticleSummaries/ArtSumHerzberg6803.htm

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